Kayla Denotaris-Larochelle
Artist Statement
Ever since I was a kid, I always had a soft spot for art. Whether it was cartoons, anime, video games, paintings, etc., it was always something I was interested in. Thanks to that, I've been drawing and painting ever since and am determined to keep improving. I enjoy making somewhat surreal and creepy (while still aesthetically pleasing) artwork, and I hope that others enjoy my artwork as well!
My Instagram: @kay.quartz
Final Project
Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease where your nervous system and immune system are attacked. Lesions can form in your brain, the myelin sheath attached to your neurons become damaged, and this can cause you to lose your mobility, can cause fatigue, and in the worst case scenario, can leave you paralyzed and possibly blind.
This is what my uncle had suffered with for twenty years before passing away and what my mother has been suffering with for a bit over a year now. It is incurable, however there are currently treatments that help slower and lessen the symptoms. When my uncle was alive, unfortunately there weren't many treatments at the time so he suffered with a disease for two decades without getting the right amount of treatment or prevention. My mother luckily receives treatment, however it isn't 100% effective.
This piece is supposed to represent MS and the damage it does to your neurons. It is a tiring and painful disease, hence the exhausted look on the neurons face. It was drawn on the program Paint Tool SAI.
I wouldn't wish this disease upon anyone and I hope that one day, there are better treatments out there and, while less likely, a cure.
The heartbreak MS has caused for my family is tremendous, and I hope this piece can spread some awareness on multiple sclerosis.
Here is both the original drawing and a video edited version of the drawing. I found the video edit gave the piece more emotion, so I included that.
Originally, this piece was supposed to be a clay sculpture, however, it broke when it dried. Instead of starting another clay sculpture, I decided to turn the piece into a digital drawing.
Thank you for checking out my work!