Artist statement
Within a society that is considerably fixated on sex, my body of work uses this hypersexualization to focus and provide commentary on other aspects of human sexuality. Whether my art comes off as cheeky in a literal or figurative sense, the intention is to simply create art that resonates with me as an artist, including the naturally following political and social implications. Regarding this series, I specifically wanted to focus on sexualized advertisements while promoting safe sex, as well as exploring sexual orientation and the hardships that may follow.

Colored pencils, acrylic paint on 14" x 17"mixed media paper, 2021

As for my final project, I chose something rather personal in regards to sexual orientation. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I wanted to illustrate the conflict of coexistence between religion and homosexuality. Additionally, the purpose of my piece is to exhibit the taboo-like perception or stigmatization that traditional households may uphold.

Kaylee Johnson

Kaylee Johnson

Kaylee Johnson

Kaylee Johnson
Whether it’s a comical take on a vintage magazine cover like my previous project, or a neon drawing with dark undertones such as Taboo, my body of work serves as a way to reflect on the media I consume and finding significance in what can be convoluted.