Ryan Heitmeyer

When it comes to creating art, I am always most comfortable drawing. It is what I enjoy most. I rarely step out unless I am absolutely required to.
One time though, I was challenged to create a sculpture out of recycled goods. While it was a challenge at first, that project snowballed me into continuously working with 3D materials. It opened up a whole new world of possibilities by finding value in the worthless. Using trash materials forced me to find more workarounds and allowed me to be more creative.
When I make art, I tend to let whatever is in my mind spill out into my projects. Creativity and having fun are my priority. That usually results in something fantastical, mostly a sort of monster or creature.
For my final project I have combined all of that. I invented a creature out of recycled materials and made a drawing of it as if it were an actual creature. This sculpture might even be a fossil in a museum along with a past depiction of it.